Travel Tip: How To Really Get Rid Of A UTI With Baking Soda
Getting a UTI while traveling is terrible!
Ladies, you know the feeling.
(Men, stop reading now if you're squeamish. But if you have a loved one that's female, READ ON!)
OK, back to THAT feeling…you have to pee, and not only is there some fabulous burning, but also a nice dull lower belly ache. Then 5 minutes later you have to pee again, and this time you shudder at the thought!
Yes, it's the dreaded UTI!
Let me be clear, I'm no doctor, nor do I play one on I'm not here to diagnose or treat you, but… I will let you know the little secret I tried in absolute desperation to cure a UTI, and now would never travel without!
Here's my story.
So there I am, on the second leg of our 3 week European tour, sitting down in the shower (it's bathtubs!) with warm water running over me at 4am. This sucks!
We had just spent three days in Paris, drinking espresso, wine, and mimosas, eating pastas and pizza, and not drinking enough water while exploring the city on foot, mainly to avoid having to pay for a bathroom. All that acid and dehydration was now biting me in the…well, not the ass. I was absolutely miserable, and the homeopathic pills they gave me at the pharmacy were just not cutting it! That was the moment I remembered my sweet cousin telling me about a baking soda remedy that she claimed worked wonders. I quickly calculated the time difference and texted her. Luckily she responded immediately and she SWORE by it, and I had nothing to lose. I really didn’t want to go on antibiotics on my trip, so when the stores opened I went on my mission.
Success in finding the ingredients!
I chose to “shoot” the baking soda/water/honey/lemon mixture and then follow it up with about 16 oz. of water.
The results.
I am NOT LYING when I tell you, when I peed after drinking all that water, there was NO pain!! None. Zilch. Apparently the baking soda neutralizes the acidity in your urine which evens out the pH balance and eliminates the pain.
I continued to drink lots of water, pee often, and lessen my acidic intake throughout the trip. There were a couple of times that I would get a twinge (after over-indulging in delicious French Rosé), then just whip up the mixture (if I was at a restaurant, I would just do the baking soda in water and it would work just as well - may not have tasted great…), and would be good to go again!
Never in my life have I gotten rid of a UTI without antibiotics…until now.
I do have to say that a UTI can turn into a kidney infection, so if you feel the symptoms already mentioned along with a fever, back pain, side pain and strong abdominal pain, please go see a doctor.
Bonus! I hear baking soda is also a great remedy for heartburn and gout, it can be used to clean your teeth, hair, and clothes, soothe your stomach, reduce stains, and stop your suitcase and shoes from smelling!
I’m telling you, ladies…pack a small box of unopened baking soda in a ziplock baggie in your checked luggage to have relief at your fingertips! You can take a bit in another baggie on the plane with you just in case!
The Recipe
1 tsp. Baking Soda
Warm Water (I use about 3oz. and shoot it, then follow with 16oz of plain water, but you can dilute it in as much as you want)
1 tsp. Local Honey
1/8th of a lemon
Just stir together a bit, cheers, and drink! Then enjoy your pain-free travels!
Let me know how this works for you and any other remedies you’ve tried in the comments section!
How To Cure A UTI For Good!
The Best Cure For A UTI!